Community Quiz

Community Quiz 7.2.0

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  • + Added page duration in the CSV export file
  • + Added support for Rewardify Points
  • + Added support for entering negative marks for each option in grid type questions
  • * Fixed issue with smart search plugin
* Fixed the margin of batch button on admin toolbar
* Fixed issue with choice question result is incorrect

* Fix for updater

+ Breaking Change: Added support for Joomla 5
^ Breaking Change: Removed legacy layer for Joomla 3
+ New option to show/hide correct answers in the results page
* Fixed finder plugin issue in J4.3
* Fixed issue with missing files in the release package

+ New: Hotspots Question Type
+ New: Include articles in course content
+ Add sort ordering for questions in a question bank
+ New option to set cutoff marks in percentage
+ New option to show score-wise messages on top/middle/bottom of the report page
^ Adjust the font size of answer explanation header
^ Replaced JFile/JFolder deprecated wrappers with respective file system functions
^ Show quiz title while responding to it
* Trashed questions appear in question bank type quizzes
* Show same page after saving question in question banks