* Fix: Fixed several issues to make feed updates mroe consistent and reliable.
* Fix: Plugin hardening.
* Fix: PHP warnings would be triggered when using a timeline feed.
* Fix: Fixed an issue preventing reporting on when a feed was last updated.
* New: Added translation files for German, Spanish, Italian and more.
* Fix: Fixed PHP Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: Illegal offset type in isset or empty.
* Fix: Fixed an error that would occur when trying to change license keys leading to an inability to retrieve new tweets.
* Fix: Fixed an occasional timeout error when trying to fetch new tweets for feeds.
* Fix: Fixed a PHP error that would occur when trying to activate a license key under certain circumstances.
* Fix: Fixed a fatal PHP error that would occur when there was an error activating a license for a new site.
* Fix: Fixed the GDPR features integration with the latest versions of the Cookie Yes plugin.
* Tweak: Promoted tweets (tweets that do not fit the feed source) are automatically removed for feeds that contain only hashtags. Search feeds may still contain promoted tweets. Clear your cache on the "Settings" page to update existing feeds with this change.
* Fix: Fixed a fatal PHP error that would occur when the WordPress object cache would store tweet data is the incorrect data type.
* Fix: Fixed a fatal PHP error that would occur when a few specific errors from the Smash Balloon Twitter API site would occur.
* Fix: Fixed quote tweets and retweeted tweets showing up twice in a user timeline feed.
* Fix: Fixed an issue where tweets would show the link for a Twitter card above the Twitter card.
* Fix: Added better error reporting so issues connecting with the new Twitter API would have better instructions.
* Fix: Fixed PHP errors related to using a legacy feed.
* Fix: Fixed several issues preventing legacy feeds from working properly.
* Fix: Prevented a connected account from causing issues with loading more tweets and the persistent cache.
* Fix: Fixed the clear single feed cache button not working in the customizer.
* Fix: Fixed the customizer not updating when sources and other settings were changed.
* Tweak: API calls are prevented in the event that the Twitter API returns an error.
* Fix: The feature for using your own Twitter App credentials was not working.
* Fix: Home timeline feeds were not working if legacy feeds not also enabled
* Fix: Fixed an issue with our integration with Burlaps GDPR consent plugin to apply changes to the feed only when consent is given.
* Fix: Updated our integration with Complianz GDPR consent plugin to apply changes to the feed when consent is given.
* Fix: In some circumstances GIFs and some images in the feed were being served from Twitter's CDN when GDPR features were active.
* Fix: User Timeline feeds would not show retweets even when enabled. This is also fixed for the Social Wall integration.