If-So Dynamic Content Pro

If-So Dynamic Content Pro 1.9.2 Nulled

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* Compatibility with the upcoming If-So & Elementor integration (version 1.5)
* Fixed information disclosure vulnerability in the [ifso-show-post] shortcode
* UI and microcopy improvements
* Bug fixes
* Audience Standalone Condition – Added an option to target users who are either inside or outside any audience
* Updated the "Mobile Detect" library (the new version requires PHP 7.4 or higher)
* Bug Fixes
* PHP 5.X and lower versions are no longer supported.
* An old format of the DKI shortcodes has been removed. The new version no longer supports the following shortcodes (all of them have new alternatives):
[ifso_display_user_geo], [ifso_display_user_languages], [ifso_display_referrer]
* The [ifso-redirect] shortcode now defaults to the JS redirect type when rendered within an If-So trigger loaded via AJAX.
* A new filter, "ifso_gutenberg_standalone_widget_forbidden_blocks," has been introduced to prevent the If-So standalone condition widget from loading on certain Gutenberg blocks.
* Geo-session usage notifications are now calculated based on all licenses installed on the site, rather than separating pro and geolocation licenses.
* The "shortcodes in titles and menus" setting now affects WooCommerce page/category titles and breadcrumbs.
* The "time" DKI shortcode (Also known as the Auto-local Time Disaply shortcode) now supports displaying the current time according to the website's timezone using the format attribute (optional), for example: [ifsoDKI type='time' show='site-timezone' format='n/j/o, G:i'].
* Bug fixes
* Refactoring
* Performance improvments
* Licensing system improvements
* Bugs fix
* New DKI Shortcode: Automatically Creates Link Templates Based on the Page URLs. Commonly used to create a link to a parallel page on a different website.[ifsoDKI type='url' url='{{SCHEME}}://{{HOST}}{{PATH}}?{{QUERY}}']
* Security fix (XSS vulnerability)
no change log for this version
* Bug fixes (conditional gutenberg blocks)
* Added GA4 reporting option, which can be activated per-shortcode by adding a ga4="yes" attribute to the trigger's shortcode.
* Allowed names to be added to If-So trigger versions, which are also included in the GA4 events being sent (if enabled) as event parameters.
* Reworked the Gutenberg standalone condition widget for improved reliability and performance.
* Added a new public JS event - "ifsoajaxcontentloaded" - to help synchronize all the actions attached to various ajax content loading procedures.
* Allowed triggers rendered by "recurrence" and "testing mode" to work with analytics, groups, and other hooks.
* Allowed setting the_content filter on a trigger rendered via ajax (previously only without ajax) by setting the "the_content" attribute in the shortcode.
* UI improvements.
* Bug fixes.
* New functionality - Redirect shortcode improvements: Create a URL template to easily redirect each page on your site to a corresponding page on another domain, subdomain, TLD, or directory. <a href="https://www.if-so.com/help/documentation/redirect-users-based-on-conditions/" target="_blank">Learn more</a>.