Market | All-in-One eCommerce Magento Theme

Market | All-in-One eCommerce Magento Theme 10.10.0

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[+] Update SM AutoCompleteSearch Module
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Reactions: Minda
[+] Compatible with Magento 2.4.7
[+] Update login function when adding to wishlist
[+] Compatible with Magento 2.4.7 beta
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Reactions: essa
[+] Added Index no.39: Sport Store
[+] Added Index no.38: Fashion and Clothes Store
[+] Added Index no.37: Fresh & Organic Food
[+] Fixbug Market theme on PHP 8.2
[+] Fixbug Sm SizeChart, Sm BundleImage, Sm DegreeView... extensions on PHP 8.2
[+] Update Magefan Blog version2.10.13
[+] Compatible with Magento 2.4.6
[+] Update module CartQuickPro
[+] Update module ListingTab
[+] Fixbug themecore
[+] Added Index no.35