Feature: Hide layer when variable is not empty option at dynamic slides.
Feature: Asset (css, js) injector code improved.
Feature: New category variables for Event Booking generator.
Feature: Active thumbnails will get aria-current="true" attribute.
Feature: Container element of bullets will get role="group" attribute.
Feature: Aria-label option for the container element of bullets.
Feature: Blockquote option for Heading layer.
Fix: At Carousel slider type if "single switch" is turned off, and "fade" main animation is being used, then some slides disappear upon window resizing.
Fix: VirtueMart generator will watch image ordering to define which is the main image.
Fix: Some background animations are buggy in Chrome, so we rewrote them to use a different animation system.
Fix: Eshop generator compatibility with latest Eshop.
Fix: Post IDs option cleared the given post's cache at every page visit.
Fix: WordPress free installer will include unminified js and css files.
Fix: Generic font family names won't have quotemarks around them.
Fix: Autoplay button didn't have width and height attributes.
Fix: The Events Calendar generator created a PHP notice.
- Fix: Security improvements for image uploads.
- Fix: Joomla's Legal MIME Types setting will be used to check, if a file can be uploaded or not.
- Fix: The Resize and Convert to webp features could have issues with images from certain external servers.
- Fix: Instragram generator token requesting doesn't work. We needed to change the Callback Url to fix this, so after updating Smart Slider, go to your application and do step 14, 15 and 16 again!
- Fix: Convert to WebP does not convert some external images.
- Fix: Symlinked folders did not work with our Joomla media manager.
- Fix: Nextgen Gallery generator update.
- Fix: Ignite Gallery generator update.
- Fix: Joomla 5 compatibility.
- Fix: Joomla article frontend editing in some cases changes shortcodes into slider html codes.
- Fix: VirtueMart generator's default language changed to the language set in VirtueMart.
- Feature: Youtube videos cannot be started until they fully loaded, but from now on, we will detect early click actions on them and try to start the video once it loaded, as long as it is not prevented by a browser limitation.
- Feature: Smart Slider module support for custom error pages (like 404 pages) in Joomla 4 and 5.
- Feature: New JoomShopping generator for Joomla 4 and 5.
- Feature: Handling manually messed up lightbox links better.
- Removed: Black Friday sale notification removed.
- Fix: Our widget won't render, when the theme doesn't supports it.
- Fix: Post meta comparison does not work with 'exists' or 'not exists' compare method.
- Fix: Randomize first causes PHP error, when a slider doesn't have any slides.
- Fix: Ignite gallery generator has an error with SVG images.
- Fix: Firefox cannot handle the background parallax without lagging, so we won't use this feature in Firefox browsers anymore.
- Fix: YouTube layer's video won't start on mobiles when the video is started before the page completely loaded.
- Fix: Row and Column background colors can create an error message in PHP 8.1+, when their color codes only contain numbers.
- Fix: The path of some images created PHP errors.
- Fix: iOS devices opened parent element links twice, when a text layer was clicked on them.
- Feature: Iframe Title option for Vimeo layer.
- Other: Black Friday sale notification added.
- Other: Spanish translation update. Thanks Rodrigo!
- Removed: A fix for an old Safari bug won't be needed anymore, as it got resolved quite a while ago.
- Removed: Joomla Module layer got deprecated in Joomla 4 and 5.
- Fix: WP Grid Builder conflict, which made WP Grid Builder's checkbox filtering not work.
- Fix: Gutenberg compatibility for WordPress 6.3
- Fix: Extra mouse buttons (like "back" button) won't open links in sliders any longer.
- Fix: PHP8 compatibility.
- Fix: Sliders did not show up on websites using Perfmatters plugin.
- Fix: Wrong slider titles were written out within SiteOrigin Page Builder.
- Fix: Sliders sometimes did not load on websites using WP Meteor plugin.
- Feature: VirtueMart generator's language fields became dropdowns instead of text inputs.
- Feature: The "Image Width" setting of arrows and autoplay buttons are now available in the Free version too.
- Feature: Playsinline attribute added to all videos, to avoid them being opened fullscreen by default on iOS devices.
- Removed: Twitter generator got deprecated, because its API creation price became $100/month.
- Removed: Facebook generator was already deprecated, but just with a notice. Now its codes were finally removed.
- Feature: Google font list got updated.
- Feature: Norwegian language update.
- Fix: Jetpack conflict could cause 500 Internal Server Error, or PHP error message appear.
- Fix: When multiple background videos are used in one slider and vertical main animation is used, scrolling away stops the not-active videos.
- Removed: JetPack Photon image optimizer option got deprecated, because it creates too many possible issues.
- Feature: Database managing codes got updated.
- Feature: Norwegian translation.
- Feature: Hebrew translation.
- Feature: Joomla articles generator code updated to avoid input setting caused errors.
- Fix: Gutenberg plugin conflict.
- Fix: PHP8.2.4+ compatibility code.
- Fix: Image layer alt tag and title was encoded twice.
- Fix: Show editor icon option did not work in Text Editor mode.
- Fix: Some database column length limitations got increased.
- Fix: Meta (FB, Instagram) image files don't always have the extension, which is indicated in their filenames. This caused issues with the Resize and Convert to webp options.
- Feature: PHP 8.2 compatibility.
- Feature: Options for lightboxed videos.
- Feature: Analyze & Repair option for Joomla, to handle database issues.
- Fix: Touch JS codes won't affect one slide sliders, for better scrolling experience.
- Fix: Shortcode sanitization to strengthen security.
- Fix: Run Joomla update codes, even if you don't enter Smart Slider's dashboard.
- Fix: Downgraded Smart Sliders create a database error, which made the latest Smart Slider not work either.
Warning: Due to MySQL 8.0 compatibility related changes in the database this version is not backwards compatible.
- Feature: Google font list is updated.
- Feature: New Repair HTML error option for the HTML layer.
- Feature: The lottie-player tag added to the tag validation of the HTML layer.
- Feature: Adding enablejsapi=1 parameter to YouTube videos in lightbox.
- Feature: Added support for a couple of HTML tags in the heading and text layer to allow WooCommerce to display the on-sale product's price properly.
- Feature: Image description, class and caption are now available as variables at the Joomla article generator.
- Feature: Better ordering at the Images from Folder generator and and "exclude resized images" code updated for better result.
- Feature: RSS generator will ask down namespace attributes too.
- Feature: Youtube layer will support youtube-nocookie.com urls too. But you should note, that still the YouTube And Vimeo Privacy Enhanced Mode setting defines, whether your videos come from youtube.com or from youtube-nocookie.com!
- Feature: Private Vimeo url support for Lightbox.
- Fix: Not selecting a slider in Avada Builder could cause PHP errors.
- Fix: Joomla update codes were updated to ensure that every database update runs properly and not cause errors.
- Fix: The Events Calendar Pro compatibility fix after their huge update, that caused the events not being accessible with default WordPress functions.
- Fix: Compatibility fix for WoodMart theme.
- Fix: Actions will now work properly on the Slide Link.
- Fix: MySQL 8.0 compatibility fix, where "system" is a reserved keyword so we'll no longer use it as a column name.
- Fix: The custom play button was not exported with the slider.
- Fix: Divi module to ensure that Divi sets the proper slider. (You might need to re-pick your sliders, if you haven't changed the default value at the Divi module, as in that case your slider was not saved.)
- Fix: Compatibility fix for Events Manager generator to avoid trying to create image variable when no image is selected.
- Fix: Avada Builder compatibility fix to ensure that the slider loads properly into the builder.
- Fix: On the Smart Slider admin area the shortcode did not appear correctly when Gutenberg's "edit slider" button was leading you to the slider settings page.
- Other: Polish translation added for the Countdown layer.
- Other: Russian translation update.
- Removed: MijoShop and K2 generators got deprecated.
- Removed: Facebook generator got deprecated, due to their user and developer-unfriendly application management.
⚠️ Warning: Our updates weren't made to be backwards compatible! If you update your Smart Slider, don't try to downgrade it to a lower version, because that cousmartslider.helpscoutdocs.com