OS Event booking EB Paypal Pro

OS Event booking EB Paypal Pro 4.7.0

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1. Allow sending additional reminder emails

By default, Events Booking allows you to send up to 3 reminders emails. However, sometime, you might need to send more number of reminder emails than that. We added a hidden tool to allow you send up to 6 reminder emails. Follow instructions on this page eventbookingdoc.joomservices.com/tools#s...rt-up-to-6-reminders if you want to use up to 6 reminders.

2. Allow Translating Speakers On Multilingual Website

Allow translating speakers on a multilingual website. Keep in mind that you cannot translate speakers directly on add/edit event screen (for technical reasons). You will need to access to access to Events Booking , then Setup-> Speakers, add/edit speaker and do the translation from there

3. Improve Event Custom Fields Integration

Added a new config option called Validate Event Custom Fields allows you to control whether event custom fields need to be validated when events is added from frontend/backend or both. Usually you would need to enable it for frontend to make sure users enter data for all custom fields you defined when submitting events

4. Improve ACYMailing Plugin

Added a new parameter Remove From Lists When Registration Cancelled . If set to Yes, registrant will be removed from the assigned mailing lists when their registration is cancelled (by themself or by administrator)

5. Compatible with Joomla 5 Dark Mode

Some adjustments added to make sure backend of the extension compatible with Joomal 5 Dark Mode (in administrator template)

6. Compatible Better With Dark Themes

If you are using a template with dark themes, some layouts/pages in the extension does not look very well. In that case, you can set Activate Transparent config option under Themes tab to Yes. The system will add necessary css code to look better on these dark themes

7. Other small improments and Bugs Fixes

- Support Intro Text on Registration History page
- Fix location image is not being displayed properly on some places (Joomla 4+, not happens on Joomla 3)
- Minor fixes to registration form layout to work better in columns format and UIKIT