Real Cookie Banner Pro

Real Cookie Banner Pro 4.7.5 Nulled

No permission to download
* compatibility with 10Web Map Builder for Google Maps (CU-85zrrkfzw)
* compatibility with ThemeDraft themes and Google Maps (CU-863g65whr)
* do also base64 encode scripts in localized variable in customize preview (CU-8677knwy0)
* javascript error wp.mediaUtils is undefined and media library does not work (CU-863g6v17m)
* compatibility with latest version of Social Feed Gallery Instagram (CU-2d8ba1v)
* compatibility with WooCommerce Blocks plugin (CU-863g5rqfp)
* compatibility with OSM Map Widget for Elementor (CU-861mdhpu4)
* compatibility with Supreme Maps Pro (CU-861mdakyh)
* consider 404 errors in scanner as non-error (CU-863g3v71n)
* invalid JSON int database helper class with the help of JSON5 (CU-863g4efkw)
* scanner finds OMGF inline script as Google Fonts (CU-861mdaurx)
### chore
* review 1 (CU-861mchkwt)
### fix
* apache modsecurity complains about localized JSON object when there are scripts and iframes (CU-863g375z3)
* compatibility with Elfsight Vimeo Gallery CC (CU-863g3kmfw)
* compatibility with Streamtube and YouTube videos (CU-861mcrub5)
* do not load scripts in WP Bakery edit mode (CU-861mcfwa4)
* typo in privacy policy text proposal (CU-863g3867t)
* uncaught error: Undefined constant NONCE_SALT (CU-863g3m0tm)
* validate UUID in cookie value (CU-861mchkwt)
### perf
* save creation date of cookie in cookie value instead of SQL query (CU-861mchkwt)
* speed up counting and pagination in list of consents (CU-861mchkwt)
* speed up reading consent history (CU-861mchkwt)
* speed up saving consent by adjusting how stats are saved (CU-861mchkwt)
### refactor
* move all user-consent relevant SQL queries to UserConsent class (CU-861mchkwt)
* streamline IP handler to use UserConsent#byCriteria (CU-861mchkwt)
### chore
* review 1 (CU-1xgphqf)

### feat
* automatic deletion of consents (CU-1xgphqf)

### fix
* compatibility with blocked content for Jet Smart Filters lazyloading (CU-332jgxy)
* compatibility with Google Maps in Sober theme (CU-332ev4y)
* compatibility with latest version of WPImmomakler
* compatibility with MapPress Google Maps (CU-32wpgv9)
* compatibility with MapsMarkerPro unblocking (CU-32wnjpu)
* compatibility with Vehica theme
* do not show preset check when editing a template in services or content blocker form (CU-2wmf0yr)
* duplicate technical definition in Vimeo and JetPack Site Stats template (CU-32wkt35, CU-332f81e)
* improved compatibility with Elementor and Elementor PRO to block individual widgets (CU-32q09j9)
* listen to elementor init with vanilla JS event listener instead of jQuery (CU-332h9tj)
* skip elementor library and skip in scanner (CU-332fn7n)
* visual content blocker not visible when using content in Kadence Blocks accordion module (CU-32pzryx)