Akeeba  Kickstart Professional

Akeeba Kickstart Professional 8.0.6

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Sep 11, 2021
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thanks to dear member @asa submitted a new resource:

Akeeba Kickstart Professional - Compatible with JPA, JPS & ZIP archives, PHP 5.4.0 and later.

Compatible with JPA, JPS & ZIP archives, PHP 5.4.0 and later. Extract your ZIP, JPA and JPS archives directly on your server. No need to upload thousands of files. Enjoy lightning-fast speed and reliability. Even on the vast majority of shared hosts. And it's provided free of charge!

Top Features​

Rocket speeds​

FTP uploads take a lot of time, proportional to the number of files, not just their size. A small site consists of 6,000+ files. Why wait...

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