* FIXED - BUTTON & PRICE LABELS - Add to Cart Button Labels - Fixed the Button's text issue when the price is set to 0.
* FIXED - BUTTON & PRICE LABELS - Free Price Labels - Fixed the issue of Free Price Labels not working with variable products.
* FIXED - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Price based on User Role - Fixed the issue of the module stopping working When enabled the >> Enable Price by User role for Order Edit option.
* FIXED - PRODUCTS - Product Bulk Meta Editor Module - Fixed the meta...
* FIXED - Added Security vulnerability fixes.
* WooCommerce 8.0.0 teste
* FIXED - Rectified the issue of Authenticated Information Disclosure through Shortcodes.
* FIXED - Addressed the Cross-Site Scripting vulnerability issue associated with the Shortcodes.
* FIXED - Resolved the issue with the site key for some of the instances.
* WooCommerce 8.0.3 Tested
* WordPress 6.3.1 Tested
* FIXED - Fixed the Cross-Site Scripting vulnerability issue associated with the '[wcj_image]' Shortcode.
* FIXED - Resolved the issue of sensitive data from orders being revealed through Shortcodes.
* FIXED - EMAILS & MISC - Custom Emails - Addressed the issue of missing Order Information for guest users.
* FIXED - PRODUCTS - User Products - Restricted access to selected user roles for security authentication.
* WooCommerce 8.2.0 Tested
* WordPress 6.3.2 Tested
* NEW FEATURE - All the modules are now Compatible with WooCommerce HPOS.
* FIXED - PHP Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type bool in includes/class-wcj-admin-orders-list.php... on line 141.
* FIXED - PHP Warning: Undefined variable $order_id in includes/class-wcj-checkout-files-upload.php... on line 535.
* WooCommerce 8.3.0 Tested
* WordPress 6.4.1 Tested
* NEW FEATURE - EMAILS & MISC - General - Introduced a new option to display order shortcodes forcefully.
* FIXED - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Multicurrency (Currency Switcher) - Hide the "wcj-currency-nonce" nonce field, as it breaks the WooCommerce Rest API JSON response in certain instances.
* FIXED - PDF INVOICING & PACKING SLIPS - PDF Invoicing - Fixed PHP Deprecated errors associated with TCPDF library.
* FIXED - PHP Deprecated: Optional parameter $isunicode declared before required...
* FIXED - Addressed PHP Deprecated errors related to the creation of dynamic properties throughout the entire plugin.
* FIXED - SHIPPING & ORDERS - Admin Orders List - Resolved the issue of orders not being filtered based on the applied filter from the "Add Presets to Admin Menu" option.
* FIXED - SHIPPING & ORDERS - Order Numbers - Addressed the problem encountered when searching for an order using a custom order number.
* FIXED - EMAILS & MISC - Admin Bar - Fixed the issue of tools not...
* FIXED - Fixed the cross-site scripting vulnerability issue associated with the '[wcj_product_barcode]' shortcode.
* NEW FEATURE - PRODUCTS - Cost of Goods - Introduce a new feature labeled 'Charge Calculation' for differentiating charge calculation methods: percentage of product price or purchase cost (default).
* WooCommerce 8.5.2 Tested
* WordPress 6.4.2 Tested
These are the most prominent features of Booster Plus
The ability to use PDF invoicing and packing slips. Use your branding to create WooCommerce PDF invoices and packing slips to increase efficiency and completion of your purchases.* FIXED - CART & CHECKOUT - Checkout Custom Fields - Resolved the issue causing unexpected modification of custom fields when saving orders from the admin order edit page.
* FIXED - PRODUCTS - User Products - Implemented client/server-side validation to restrict file uploads to specific types only.
* FIXED - Fixed the cross-site scripting vulnerability issue associated with the '[wcj_product_wholesale_price_table]' shortcode.
* FIXED - Fixed the cross-site scripting vulnerability issue...