- Fixed: regression bug, editing a time slot did nothing.
- Fixed: round trip with time no longer enforces a continous time range on same day return.
- Fixed: round trip with time had inconsistent end time selection behavior on same day booking.
- Added: twilio settings for admin now include a country code prefix, so customers only need to insert local number.
Member dattanle1235 was joined discussion #22 via short message
* Fixed: regression bug, custom form fields were not included in the export csv.
* Fixed: added guest required info label to the quick text edits.
* Fixed: custom form fields that were not marked as guest fields were still included as a guest field as well.
* Fixed: date range type modes did not maintain the selected value on edit (back-end).
* Fixed: miscellaneous minor fixes.
* Fixed: synching internal feeds did not consider seats.
* Fixed: security update.
* Fixed: miscellaneous minor fixes.
* Fixed: regression bug viewing guests in backend.
* Fixed: backend sales page order by columns.
* Fixed: miscellaneous minor fix.
Fix: regression bug, optional extras step failed during the booking.
* Added: incremental optional extras now supports quantity.
* Fixed: security improvements and adherence to wordpress plugin-check standards.
* Fixed: optional extras quantity now limits when using woocommerce and adding multiple appointments to cart.
* Fixed: multi date and time range group booking issue.
* Fixed: service modes with timeslots now no longer take into account slots count but just number of seats for full day.
* Fixed: changeover days and group booking issue.
* Fixed: optional extra increment quantity issue with full day on time...
* Fixed: settings in the availability repeat dialog were not saved (regression bug).
* Fixed: round trip with time disabled end time when same day booking was enabled.