*[Bug-Fix] There was an issue while checking checksum, if the WordPress install was in en_US but the language was set to some other languages from the settings, then the checksum was comparing the checksums from the language selected in WordPress settings which is now always the language of the install, this has been fixed.
* [Task] Tested on WordPress 6.4.
* [Improvement] Now SSO can live for multiple Login attempts, default being 1 and maximum is 15 Login access.
* [Imrpovement] Now SSO can live longer for upto 2 days.
* [Bug-Fixes] A few Warning related to PHP 8.2 has been fixed
* [Task] We have removed unwanted code.
* [Feature] Block Page, now instead of showing error on the Login page of user being blacklisted, you can just show a page with error, reducing the resource being used to show the error.
* [Feature] Email notification on successful login and you can enforce this on your users too.
* [Pro Feature] Added Cloudflare Turnstile, and hCaptcha.
* [Task] Tested with WordPress 6.5.
* [Feature] Added Option to disable Login notification for whitelisted IPs.
* [Improvement] We have added variables for custom subject in Login notification.
* [Bug-Fix] Now the time shown in the Login Notification email, will respect the timezone set in the WordPress settings.
* [Bug-Fix] Error notice when 2FA fails had some CSS issue which has been fixed.
* [Task] We have remove unwanted code in reCAPTCHA.
* [Bug-Fix] There was an issue with Login Notification body and subject, it was adding \(slashes) if "(double-quotes) where being used. This has been fixed.
* [Task] Removal of unwanted code.
* [Task] Structural changes.
* [Task] Tested with WordPress 6.6.
* [Bug-Fix] For some users there was an issue in updating that has been fixed.