upgrade to PHP 8.2 including composer packages (CU-arua06)
Dependency updates @devowl-wp/real-product-manager-wp-client 1.19.7
Purpose of dependency: A WordPress client for Real Product Manager
upgrade to PHP 8.2 including composer packages (CU-arua06)
Dependency updates @devowl-wp/real-utils 1.12.7
Purpose of dependency: Create cross-selling ads, about page, rating and newsletter input for WP Real plugins.
upgrade to PHP 8.2 including...
**Note:** This package (@devowl-wp/real-physical-media) has been updated because a dependency, which is also shipped with this package, has changed.
Dependency updates @devowl-wp/utils 1.17.6
**_Purpose of dependency:_** _Utility functionality for all your WordPress plugins._
##### Bug Fixes
* fatal error after latest update as WordPress stubs were no longer compatible with WordPress < 6.2 (CU-8693cg7cp)
**Note:** This package (@devowl-wp/real-physical-media) has been updated because a dependency, which is also shipped with this package, has changed.
Dependency updates @devowl-wp/utils 1.17.7
**_Purpose of dependency:_** _Utility functionality for all your WordPress plugins._
Build Process
* correctly autoload composer package files autoload.files per plugin (CU-8693dhuhv)
Bug Fixes
* show a notice for successor templates which replace other templates (CU-869372jf7)
* update to antd@5 (CU-863gku332)
Dependency updates @devowl-wp/real-product-manager-wp-client 1.19.11
**_Purpose of dependency:_** _A WordPress client for Real Product Manager_
**Note:** This package (@devowl-wp/real-physical-media) has been updated because a dependency, which is also shipped with this package, has changed.
* move all util functions to @devowl-wp/react-utils (CU-8693cqz75)
Dependency updates @devowl-wp/react-utils 0.1.2<
**_Purpose of dependency:_** _Provide various React utils, side effect free and tree shakeable._
Bug Fixes
* cookie banner cannot be accepted on old Safari browsers (CU-8693u1wzm)
**Note:** This package (@devowl-wp/real-physical-media) has been updated because a dependency, which is also shipped with this package, has changed.
Dependency updates @devowl-wp/real-product-manager-wp-client 1.19.19
**_Purpose of dependency:_** _A WordPress client for Real Product Manager_
Bug Fixes
* delete checkboxes for privacy policy and only print an information for this (CU-861mrzwar)
Dependency updates @devowl-wp/real-utils 1.13.3
**_Purpose of dependency:_** _Create...
Build System
* remove babel-loader and babel toolchain and introduce SWC (CU-8694pt2j7)
Continuous Integration
* introduce Renovate bot for dependency update automation (CU-8694qg0t9)
* **deps :** pin dependencies
* **deps :** pin dependencies
* **deps :** pin dependencies
* **deps :** update composer dependencies (non-major)
* **deps :** update dependency mpratt/embera to v2.0.40
* **deps :** update npm (non-major)
* **deps :** update npm all dependencies (non-major)
Code Refactoring
* move react-aiot to @devowl-wp/react-folder-tree within monorepo (CU-awv3bv)
* upgrade to React v18 (createRoot, unmountComponentAtNode, CU-awv3bv)
* **deps :** update dependency php-stubs/wordpress-stubs to v6.6.0
* minimum required version is WordPress 5.9 (CU-awv3bv)
Dependency updates @devowl-wp/react-utils 0.1.6
**_Purpose of dependency:_** _Provide various React utils, side effect free and tree shakeable._
##### Code Refactoring
* upgrade to React...
**Note:** This package (@devowl-wp/real-physical-media) has been updated because a dependency, which is also shipped with this package, has changed.
Dependency updates @devowl-wp/real-product-manager-wp-client 1.19.27
**_Purpose of dependency:_** _A WordPress client for Real Product Manager_
##### Bug Fixes
* do not invalidate license for (CU-8695h2x87)
Dependency updates @devowl-wp/utils 1.19.11
**_Purpose of dependency:_** _Utility functionality for all your WordPress...