66Uptime / 11Uptime

Nulled 66Uptime / 11Uptime 34.0.0 Nulled

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Author theresa
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Implemented Push Notifications notification handler - Only works if you have the Push Notifications plugin.
Implemented the new redesign from widgets to table style for all resources (Monitors, Status Pages, Heartbeats...etc).
Implemented the last 7 logs preview with details about the exection on the Monitors & Heartbeats pages.
Implemented the ability to limit the amount of active notification handlers per transfer.
Implemented Custom Domains Bulk Deletion capability.
Implemented Status Pages Bulk Deletion capability.
Implemented Projects Bulk Deletion capability.
Implemented Pixels Bulk Deletion capability.
Implemented Heartbeats, Monitors, DNS monitors, Servers, Domain names - Bulk Deletion capability.
Implemented Notification Handlers Bulk Deletion capability.
Implemented the new Domain Name dedicated page.
Implemented new monitor log page where you can check all the details of a particular monitor check.
Monitor failed logs will now also save the response body of the failed log for better debugging ability.
Reworked the hero section of the landing page to a more nicer and animated one.
Added the new Web Tools section on the landing page.
Dashboard has been reworked with the new table designs.
Landing page now displays the notification handlers in a nicely designed section.
All password fields now have a button to toggle the visibility.
CSV & JSON export files are now dynamically named by the title of the page.
Filters are now kept after a successful resource deletion (instead of resetting the filters).
The currency switcher is now only displayed in pages which are related to making payments.
Improve all bootstrap CSS files to generate themselves smaller without unused components.
Login/Register page background is now removed.
You can now enable/disable Status Pages.
Fixed issue with Microsoft Login - now it will only work if the user initially created his account with the Microsoft Login feature.
Fixed issue with CSV & JSON export on referrer paths from statistics page.
Fixed issue with CSV & JSON export on UTM Medium / Campaign from statistics page.
Fixed all chart issues when enabling printing from the browser.
Fixed admin panel printing not being scrollable.
Fixed a few sanitization issues in the backend.
Fixed Heartbeats API issue when updating resources.
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Implemented the ability to track IPv6 monitors.
Implemented the ability to set a custom SSL monitoring port for Domain Names monitors.
Implemented the ability to translate plan titles, descriptions from the admin panel.
Implemented more details and capabilities for the SSL Lookup tool.
Implemented top most popular widget for the tools system.
Implemented views tracking for the tools system.
Implemented Brotli Checker tool.
Implemented HTTP2 checker tool.
Implemented Reverse Ip Lookup tool.
Implemented more details and capabilities for the SSL Lookup tool.
Improved the HTTP headers lookup tool.
Improved look of the teams delegation header bar.
Implemented direct link to Status Pages from the Domains page, to filter based on the used domain.
All image input fields now have a way to remove the selected image file to upload.
Improved the teams page from the teams plugin to look better and display the total teams.
Improved the menu dropdown logo to automatically change when theme is switched light to dark (or vice versa).
Improved the theme settings in the admin panel to support the Offload plugin.
Numerous other visual consistency cleanups and code optimizations.
404 pages now display a button to the dashboard if a user is logged in.
Easier navigation to the homepage or dashboard from the admin panel sidebar logo.
Chart colors now automatically adjust based on the theme settings you set in the admin panel.
Admin panel user editing now propagates to all SSO connections.
Fixed issue with code redeeming via the Account redeem page.
Fixed status pages tracking system not tracking referrers properly when coming from the same domain.
Fixed server monitoring tracking system emails notifications triggering multiple times.
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Implemented custom Server Monitors alerts (CPU usage, Disk usage, RAM usage).
Implemented the ability to add multiple expected / allowed response codes for Uptime Monitors.
Implemented the ability to enable / disable Follow Redirects for Uptime Monitors.
Implemented WhatsApp notification handler.
Implemented the ability to control notification handlers statuses from the admin panel.
Implemented the ability to enable/disable AI scraping on your website content - from the admin panel.
Implemented new handler for pages that do not show data because of filtering for better UX.
Reworked many file image uploaders to support image preview & look better.
Added the currency parameter to the Thank You page URL after a successful payment.
Improved Offload plugin - region can now be edited in all cases.
Fade in animation for all pages is now reduced from 1s to 500ms for a faster and snappier feel.
Removed complex fade animations for the hero section on the landing page to improve LCP for SEO purposes and UX.
Improved header text and buttons in some app pages not being consistent and responsive properly.
No data, Thank you, Affiliate, 404 svg images now support dynamic colors - based on the theme color.
Improved the affiliate page, now it will show a range of potential commissions (ex: "10% - 50%" instead of "variable commission").
Improved the admin panel theme page to be a bit easier to understand.
Branding section for custom pages can now contain dynamic variables, such as the affiliate tag of the user.
Fixed language creation/updating when using certain characters in the name of the language.
Fixed broadcast statistics viewing page issues.
Fixed SSO issue when using it with a logged in team member.

A lot of other behind the scenes things that have been changed and improved.
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Fix monitors issue with not marking the monitor as Down in case it is failed.
Fix monitors issue sending multiple notifications when detected as Down.
Implemented the new Server Monitoring system (CPU, RAM, DISK usage tracking).
Implemented the ability to configure Server monitoring limits and access via the admin panel plans section.
Implemented the ability to get a copy paste code to install / uninstall tracker on Linux servers.
Implemented the ability to manage Server monitors from the admin panel.
Implemented Server monitors statistics in the admin panel.
Implemented Server monitors Get one, Get all and Delete API endpoints.
Implemented the ability to enable/disable certain parts of the product features via the admin panel: DNS Monitors, Server Monitors, Monitors, Heartbeats, Domain names, Status pages.
Implemented the new account preference page.
Improved API calls performance by caching certain sections.//////
Fix DNS email changes missing translations.
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You must update the Multi Ping Checker plugin files if you own it and have it installed.
Implemented the new DNS Monitoring system.
Implemented the ability to configure DNS monitoring limits and access via the admin panel plans section.
Implemented the ability to get DNS changes notifications for all notification handlers.
Implemented the ability to manage DNS monitors from the admin panel.
Implemented DNS monitors statistics in the admin panel.
Implemented DNS monitors Get one, Get all and Delete API endpoints.
Implemented PHP 8.3 support.
Implemented validator and checker for Multi Ping Checker plugin when adding a new ping location via the admin panel.
Implemented Webhooks that execute before a Cron run and after a Cron run. Helpful when wanting to monitor Cron executions.
Implemented the ability to enable automatic user plan expiration checking via the cron job, configurable via the admin panel.
Implemented the ability to enable automatic "remember me" checkbox checking when logging in, configurable via the admin panel.
Implemented the ability to display social media icons on all the emails sent out.
Implemented the ability to enable/disable the PWA installation helper bar.
Implemented the ability to enable/disable the share social media icons on the status pages.
Implemented the ability to auto refresh status pages after X amount of minutes.
Implemented Phone Calls notification handler via Twilio.
Implemented Microsoft Teams notification handler.
Implemented ability to enable/disable the extra content widget on the Tools pages.
Implemented ability to specify the decimal points for Uptime, via the admin panel.
Implemented ability to specify the default request method for monitors, via the admin panel.
Implemented ability to change and control monitor double checking (false positive prevention) and timeouts, via the admin panel.
Implemented ability to add your company legal details to all sent out emails.
Implemented ability to enable/disable the whole breadcrumbs system.
Implemented ability to enable/disable the pagination widget when only one page is available.
Improved the notification handlers - now the account email will automatically be assigned as a notification handler when creating a new account.
Improved the notification handlers creation page when a notification handler limit is reached.
Improved the look of the homepage with more sections and details.
Improved the monitor create/update page by hiding/displaying certain fields conditionally.
Improved the way monitor/heartbeat charts look when there is downtime.
Improved the template of all the emails sent out by the system.
Domain names will now display in the dashboard as well.
Performance improvement for dashboard loading.
Improved the overall look of the dashboard.
Improved the Heartbeats up / down email and other notifications with more useful details.
Improved the Monitor up / down email and other notifications with more useful details.
Improved the CSV, JSON export for Monitors, Heartbeats, Domain names with more details.
SSO links will now display in the admin panel as well.
You will now be able to disable the SSO links from automatically displaying in the menu.
Improve PWA installation bar not showing on mobile iOS for Safari.
Bootstrap popper dependency upgraded to the latest version.
Upgraded cookie consent library to the latest 2.9.2 version.
Improved admin panel - settings - cron page with copy and execute buttons.
Improved the way plan savings for annual memberships are displayed.
Improved the look of the DNS Lookup Tools page.
Fix language change from the footer language selector issues.
Fix admin taxes deletion not working properly.
Fix annual plan savings not showing the proper currency.
Fix monitor HEAD type requests not working and being too slow.
Fix currency switcher not working properly when a user is logged out.
Fix small issue with Midtrans payments being classified as other payment gateways.

Fix not being able to change the Plan Trial Done status when editing a user in the admin panel.
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Implemented SSO (Single Sign On) support where you can automatically switch between AltumCode software installations with a single click of a button.
Implemented Multicurrency support for payments.
Implemented the ability to set default payment processor on a per-currency basis.
Implemented the ability to set allowed currencies on a per-payment-gateway basis.
Implemented Midtrans payment gateway for one time payments.
Implemented Yizico payment gateway for one time payments.
Implemented Flutterwave payment gateway for one time & recurring payments.
Implemented the ability to enable/disable the password requirement when first logging in via a social network.
Implemented a subtle prompt to install the PWA app with instructions based on the device for the PWA plugin.
Implemented a new "Health check" page in the admin panel - settings section.
Implemented the ability to set custom Ping user agent header from the admin panel.
Implemented the ability to set the minimum and maximum short URL length on a per-plan basis.
A better looking custom scrollbar is now applied on all widgets that are scrollable.
Improved the looks of the "Logged in as Team" bar at the top of the page for the Teams plugin.
Upgraded bootstrap CSS/JS to latest v4.6.2.
Push notification subscription modal will now only automatically show to the user if their browser is compatible for the Push Notifications plugin.
Stripe implementation has been reworked to support the latest available API version.
Fix pay page not having default values selected in some cases.
Fix ad blocker detector not working properly.
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Implemented & Released the new Push Notifications Plugin.
Implemented the ability to set a custom start URL - PWA plugin.
Implemented notification badges for installed PWA instances in case the user has an internal notification pending - PWA plugin.
Implemented the ability to set preview screenshots for mobile and desktop when installing the PWA of the app - PWA plugin.
Implemented the ability to set shortcuts for contextual menu on the PWA app - PWA plugin.
Implemented admin panel statistics page for Internal notifications sent.
Implemented new filters for users logs: device type filter, city search, continent filter, country search, browser name and browser language.
Implemented new custom select component with search for the frontend and admin panel.
Implemented admin panel new details and filters for each user based on last login: OS Name, Browser language, Device type.
Implemented admin panel new filter for broadcasts: device type.
Implemented admin panel new filter for internal notifications: device type.
Implemented the ability to change the default payment frequency selected, via the admin panel.
Implemented the ability to transfer Vcard pages to other accounts, via the admin panel.
The ad blocker detector will only be triggered when a user is not logged in and does not have the No ads plan feature.
Cleaned up and optimized duplicated translations.
Admin panel taxes can now be deleted in case they are created by mistake.
Implemented the ability to set a custom delay for the ad blocker detector modal via the admin panel.
Fix internal notifications URL destination bug.
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Implemented & Released the new PWA Plugin.
Implemented the ability to set icons for custom pages created in the admin panel.
Implemented the ability to change the tracking type and cookie tracking duration of the affiliate system.
Implemented API endpoint for Domains in the admin panel.
Implemented Ad blocker detection alert system.
Implemented Ad blocker detection lock content until ad blocker is disabled.
Implemented Admin panel Webhooks for Domains creation & update events.
Implemented the ability to change the main font of the whole website directly from the admin panel.
Implemented Database tables size stats in the admin panel statistics page.
Implemented Search widget for the Blogging system.
Implemented the ability to change the IP displayed to the user for the Custom Domains page shown to the user.
Implemented Redeemed Codes Statistics page in the Admin panel.
Implemented User's plans distribution statistics table in the Admin panel.
Implemented Blog RSS feed.
Implemented Microsoft social login.
Implemented canonical tags for public pages where they will help with SEO.
Implemented the ability to change the OpenAI model for admin panel translation usage.
Implemented the ability to set a CDN via the Offload plugin.
Implemented the ability to set a Language flag and also set the order of the Languages via the admin panel.
Improved the Pay page by displaying an alert on the title when leaving the page.
Improved the UI on the admin panel statistics page.
Cleaned up the share buttons used in places like blog posts & custom pages and added Telegram share button.
Upgraded ReCaptcha, PHPMailer, TwoFactorAuth, Stripe project dependencies to their latest versions.
Other small code improvements, changes and tweaks across the whole product.
Fix API User endpoint not working properly.
Fix Paypal recurring payment rare issue when the business name is not provided.
Fix Admin panel Discount update not working properly in some cases.
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  • Implemented the ability to enable/disable testimonials section in the landing page via the admin panel.
  • Implemented the ability to enable/disable the theme switcher from the footer.
  • Implemented the ability to control the length of the generated random short URL from the admin panel.
  • Implemented FAQ block on the homepage which can be enabled from the admin panel.
  • Implemented a new selector for dropdowns with search when needed.
  • Improved announcements look on the frontend.
  • Improved look on plans page.
  • Improved look on affiliate page.
  • Improved look on the call to action widget on the home page.
  • Improved look on plan payment thank you page.
  • Improved look and how internal notifications widget works.
  • Improved look on the pixel creation/update page.
  • Upgraded from FontAwesome 5 to FontAwesome 6.
  • LinkedIn login transitioned to the new version required by LinkedIn.
  • Added support for PHP 8.2.
  • Added the new Threads social network in the footer - from the admin panel.
  • Fixed broadcasts new editor variables not working properly.
  • Fixed the ability to create short URLs on language paths or folder names of the product.
  • Other overall look and feel improvements.
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