Cargo Pro - Courier System

Tested Cargo Pro - Courier System 7.8.0

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- New.
- Website demo import feature
- Predefined demo 1 (more is coming)
- Update Page - to upload any update directly from the control panel for the upcoming versions

- Fixes.
- Fix forget password problem
- Fix PayStack Problem
- Some improvements and minor bug fixes.
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Reactions: Joyal Joy
- New.
- Shipment Reports
- Mission reports
- Transaction reports
- Branches reports
- Clients reports
- Driver reports
- Adding the APIs for the new mobile application version

- Fixes.
- Fix bug on calculation of the total amount of mission for some specific cases
- Some improvements and minor bug fixes.
- New.
- New structure from scratch
- Enhance the performance for more than 3x
- New Homepage Builder
- Themes Module (Now you can add more than one theme)
- Blog Module
- Pages Module
- Menus Module (like WordPress)
- Widgets Module (like WordPress)
- All other features on the last version.