
Premium and Nulled Xenforo are a total of 2304 results now,Currently on page 92, Xenforo Resources can be free download from NullPro
[AndyB] Delete posts banned J
Deletes all posts made by banned users.
[Andy] Remove Follow Y
following template modifications are used in this add-o
[AndyB] SoundCloud manager J
Updates the SoundCloud BB code media site to show the smaller player.
[AndyB] Banned users J
Shows a list of banned users by message count order.
[AP] New Article Notifications in Chat J
extends Siropu Chat 2 with the ability to send "New article" notifications to the chat.
[0815] FileChk whitelist J
Whitelist for the XF FileCheck
Advent calendar A
This add-on is still in the testing phase!
[ConceptNGo] FontAwesome User Icon J
allow to you add an FontAwesome icon on front of username
[AndyB] Signature search J
Search signatures using multiple criteria.
[AndyB] Keyword email A
Sends email to specific member if keyword is mentioned in post.
[AndyB] RSS feed J
Easily show RSS feeds from other web sites or your own forum.
[UH] GD Gif Animations J
This add-on allows you to properly handle GIF animations using gifsicle, without Imagick PECL ext
[AndyB] Edit conversation title J
Allows editing conversation title even when you are the conversation recipient.
[AndyB] Meta title J
Allows adding a descriptive meta title for your main page.