1: option to show or hide admin as freelancer and employer on the search page and home page as well
2: email an admin about pending project posting
3: The display name of the employer and freelancer added to the dashboard table
4: My Ratings were added to the dashboard
5: Attachment on/off option
6: Allow admin to disable experience, education details, skills, awards
1: Service slider styling fixed
2: translation strings added
3: Keywords redirection issues fixed
4: typo errors removed
5: styling issues on detail pages
6: admin profile update issue fixed
7: addons options not showing
8: registration slider not showing in theme options
1: add sliding images style in the services on home page
- Updates: v 1.1.4—- April 15, 2022
2: Custom links in the footer can be added
3. employer/freelancer profile Non clickable with on/off option,
4: show open job posts of the employer in the sidebar with the on/off option
5: option to show projects of all taxonomies on the home page using the exertio projects shortcode
6: only numbers can be added as price while creating a service/project
6: project list4 skills directed to 404 page, fixed
7: payment issue fixed
Clean Version Not Nulled
1. Project Search-Detail page
- Updates: v 1.1.3—- April 11, 2022
2. Proposal Amount or Project amount charged for Projects
3. Packages removed from shop page; Products other than packages only shown on the product page
4: Only Fixed 'Price type' can be selected from the theme option to hide HOURLY price type
5: While projects and services posting, show price currency.
6: Freelancer skills without percentage or with the percentage
7: Resend email on verification added
8: Post Type goes to pending while creating a new user even after verification resolved
9: Payout amount not updating (fixed)
10: Elementor Update Issues fixed
11: URL rewriting for freelancer and Employer
12: Expired Projects removed from the home page
13: After a successful purchase, the theme redirects to the ongoing service/project purchase
14: service purchase is not allowed if both woo-commerce and wallet are off
Download Exertio v1.0.7 - Freelance Marketplace WordPress Theme Nulled Free
Updates: v 1.0.7—- August 14, 2021
1) Processing fee while creating Payouts
2) Remove wallet completely with on/Off option
3) Default profile redirection added after login and registration
4) On/Off for project ID/Service ID added
5) Links for freelancer profile added on project detail and proposal page
6) Free Package can not be purchased twice.
7) My Account/woo-commerce profile layout added
8 ) Manual approval for specific payment gateways even Auto approval active
9) Delete all users Issue fixed
10) Spell Mistakes corrected
11) Translation Added fro missing strings
12) Data Issue resolved in the project section
13) Skill issues more than 100% value resolved
14) Project fields hide/show option
15) Cancelled project from employer side resolved
16) Wallet Amount in ascending order
17) Proposal duplication after hired freelancer issue fixed
18) Profile image on chat messages fixed
19) Tax and shipping charges removed from packages and wallet amount purchase.
20) Freelancer Choose multiple languages
21) Translation files updated
22) Style file updated
23) RTL issues fixed
24) Plugin updated