- New: A new database index has been added to item entries to significantly improve the performance of lookup field queries that watch other fields.
- New: Extra whitespace in address dropdowns has been removed to reduce the amount of HTML required when loading a dropdown with a lot of country options.
- Fix: Autocomplete dropdowns would appear shorter than other fields in a form with text getting cut off.
- Fix: The error message when uploading a file that exceeds server size limits would show the file size limit as %sMB.
- Fix: A missing semi-colon in generated CSS was causing an issue with broken styling.
- Fix: Deleting an entry without its associated post would trigger a permission error because of a missing nonce.
- Fix: Starter licenses will now be properly displayed in license settings instead of appearing as Premium.
- New: The reports page now includes date filtering options.
- Fix: When using some shortcode options, including sanitize_url=0 or truncate=0, the option would be treated the same as 1. 0 values will now be treated as off.
- Fix: A form would submit with errors if it included a conditionally hidden total field, bypassing other validation include spam checks.
- Fix: Formidable PDF icons would be used in place of PDF preview images when viewing entries. When preview images are available, the icon will no longer be used instead.
- Fix: Date fields inside of repeaters would initialize with the incorrect settings in some cases when the Dates add on was also active.
- Fix: Conditional confirmation actions wouldn't work as expected in forms with repeaters as the incorrect entry ID was being referenced in some cases.
- Fix: On some servers a protected file would download as a broken 0 byte file because the file couldn't be successfully read.
- Fix: On some servers a protected file would download as a broken corrupted file with additional data included because the output buffer wasn't clear when downloading the file.
- Fix: The option to upload an image to a radio button would appear for radio buttons displayed as buttons when the Use images in buttons option is unchecked.
- Fix: Field ids would not properly update to the new duplicated field id values for submit button conditional logic after duplicating a form.
- Fix: reCAPTCHA v3 scores would not get recorded if the CAPTCHA field was validated earlier which would happen when resubmitting after failing validation or if the CAPTCHA field was not on the last page.
- Fix: The popup would display an "undefined" error message when trying to activate the PDFs add on from an email action when it was not already installed.
- The timeout has been extended for downloading a large protected file to avoid partial file downloads.
- Several functions deprecated in version 2.x have been removed.
- New: Time fields will now also include a screen reader label for Hours/Minutes dropdowns to improve accessibility.
- New: A pop up will now appear after entering an invalid value for a time field.
- New: Formidable files including .docx, .xlsx, and .pdf files will now use Formidable icons more consistently instead of the default WordPress document icons.
- Fix: A .xlsx file would fail to validate on upload when downloaded from Google sheets as it had an unexpected mime type.
- Fix: Required field validation would trigger after a file was uploaded, occasionally causing required fields to show errors at the wrong time.
- Fix: Calculations in repeaters were not always syncing properly when switching between pages.
- Fix: Form titles and descriptions would appear after a form is submitted in cases where they should be hidden.
- Fix: Added additional validation for range field min, max, and step values to avoid issues with calculating non-numeric values and division by zero errors.
- Fix: Shortcodes were appearing in the wrong position in the smart default values pop up.
- Fix: Calculator form blocks and Formidable view blocks would break when using newer versions of the Gutenberg plugin.
- Fix: Use the correct action after submit when editing when it's different from success.
- Fix: After a draft entry was submitted, show the correct action.
- New: Style templates can now be previewed, installed, and activated from the new style list view of the visual styler.
- New: The background image opacity style setting now supports float values from 0 to 1, not just percents.
- New: Application item options will now sort in a more natural order where 2 appears before 19.
- New: Added required changes for in-place edit to work with new on submit form actions.
- New: Rootline pagination has been updated to look nicer on mobile widths.
- Fix: An empty background image opacity value would trigger a PHP warning and using 0 as a background image opacity value would cause it to use full opacity instead.
- Fix: Deactivating Formidable Pro when Formidable Lite is inactive was triggering an error.
- Several style options have been moved, including duplicate, delete, and setting a style as the default. These have now been added to the dropdown for each style in the new list view of the visual styler. The new style option has been moved to the new list view as well.
- The color picker alpha library has been updated to use fewer deprecated jQuery functions.
- Security: Added validation to URLS when importing a form XML to guarantee the file is coming from a trusted source with the proper expected format.
- New: A new frm_section_is_open filter has been added. This can be used to conditionally load collapsible sections as open.
- New: Added a redirect after duplicating an entry so that refreshing the page load the new duplicated entry instead of duplicating an additional entry.
- New: Spaces are now supported as custom thousand separators when formatting a calculation with a custom format.
- Fix: Dynamic fields were not updating on load when the target dynamic field had a default value.
- Fix: It is no longer possible to select both radio buttons in the styler sample form.
- Security: Additional validation has been added when viewing an Application template to make sure that the endpoint cannot be manipulated and used for unsafe requests.
- Fix: Updated a misspelled "horizonally" option.
- Fix: An application would not render its items in the table when one of the items included a form shortcode targeting a form that does not exist.
- The start over button longer is no longer on by default for new forms.
Fix: Prevent a JavaScript error that triggers after adding a new repeater row when the repeater form does not include a slider field.
Fix: Prevent a JavaScript error when clicking on SVG elements.
Fix: Only the first slider field in a repeater row would format as currency on load.
Fix: The rootline dropdown would always appear for styles that have the "Override theme styling" setting enabled.
New: Rich text fields can now be set to read only.
New: Rootline pagination will now be kept to a single row. Mobile widths without enough space to fit every page will hide extra page numbers in a dropdown toggled by a new rootline item with an ellipsis.
New: Currency format settings for Slider fields will now also be applied to the min/max labels that get appended when a Before/After Input option is set.
Fix: HTML in options for radio buttons and checkboxes using the Images display format was being escaped in summary fields and when viewing entries. It is now filtered instead to support some HTML elements.
Fix: Character limit validation wasn't accurate for UTF-8 strings that include characters such as Æ, Ø and Å.
Fix: Integer shortcodes will no longer match for a form for field IDs that don't exist. This was causing issues with the sanitize_url=1 option getting added to success URLs for shortcodes like [0] that should be left alone.
Fix: Progress bars were not appearing on the "Edit Entry" and "View Entry" admin pages since the v5.5.1 update that added pagination position options.
Fix: Avoid a PHP8 deprecation message passing a null value when calling kses while displaying an entry value shortcode that does not exist.
Fix: Repeater form field transients will now be deleted when a field is moved from the repeater to somewhere else in the form. Old transient data not being updated would result in cases where a field may appear twice, both inside and outside of the repeater.
Fix: The option to format a number as currency was not working for repeated and embedded slider fields if no fields in the parent form had a currency defined.