Bug Fixes
* fatal error in Notices.php and urlencode when using array cookies e.g. my-cookie[] (CU-86949561p)
**Note:** This package (@devowl-wp/real-cookie-banner) has been updated because a dependency, which is also shipped with this package, has changed.
Dependency updates @devowl-wp/deliver-anonymous-asset 0.2.67
**_Purpose of dependency:_** _Provide a functionality to deliver assets anonymous_
Bug Fixes
* compatibility with latest TCF stub version not loading (CU-8693ubj9a)
Bug Fixes
* accordions and list colors were not migrated successfully when TCF is active (CU-8693qpd7a)
Bug Fixes
* correct available translations in README.txt (CU-2gfb42y)
* reload checklist when privacy policy text suggestion were updated (CU-86932cagc)
* remote language codes for cs, da and sv (CU-2gfb42y)
* typo (CU-2gfb42y)
* edit form for content blockers resulted in blank screen (CU-8692xmztw)
**_Purpose of dependency:_** _Provide a single entry point to trigger cache invalidation of known caching plugins_
##### Features
* compatibility with Perfmatters Remove Unused CSS functionality (CU-8692x4h03)
### chore
* review 1 (CU-861m47jgm)
* review 1 (CU-863h2xux4)
* review 2 (CU-861m47jgm)
* review 3 (CU-861m47jgm)
### docs
* update filter documentation with more examples and use cases
### feat
* new feature to collect consent for services processing data in unsecure countries (CU-861m47jgm)
### fix
* compatibility with Elementor Popups when it gets hidden with click on the cookie banner (CU-863h3ah8x)
* compatibility with Enfold and Vimeo embeds (CU-863h48vp2)
* compatibility with fluidvids (CU-863gymp32)
* compatibility with videos in widgets in Extra theme (CU-863h5dak1)
* compatibility with videos in widgets in Extra theme (CU-863h5dak1)
* difference from template for service group is empty (CU-32wu2g8)
* elementor not shown as recommended service in scanner (CU-861mzap32)
* ignore 410 HTTP code in scanner (CU-863gzu8gh)
* introduce pagination to technical cookie information as many items could slow down the form (CU-32wu2g8)
* show notice when service is processing data in unsafe countries and the banner notice is disabled (CU-861m47jgm)
* uncaught Error: Class DevOwl\RealCookieBanner\lite\settings\TcfVendorConfiguration in free version (CU-863h4mazx)
* uncaught Error: Class DevOwl\RealCookieBanner\lite\settings\TcfVendorConfiguration in free version (CU-863h4mazx)
* update notice about templates could not be dismissed (CU-863h2byjk)
### refactor
* introduce custom ESLint rules ability in @devowl-wp/eslint-config (CU-863gxjbn4)
* introduce KeyValueMapOption and migrate notice states to it (CU-861m47jgm)
* move enableOptionAutoload to @devowl-wp/utils (CU-861m47jgm)
### test
* make e2e tests work again (CU-861m47jgm)
* compatibility with Directorist and OpenStreetMaps (CU-863ghhh2w)
* compatibility with latest IONOS performance plugin (CU-32003j3)
* notice when AMP plugin is active and scanner does not work (CU-863gjbfxp)
* storing templates from cloud: allowed memory size of bytes exhausted (CU-863ghz41w)
### chore
* add more security hashes for disabled footer (CU-332e8qr)
* introduce new UI for template center from service cloud (WIP, CU-861me62d8)
* remove non-ASCII characters from POT files (CU-863gffr77)
* review 1 (CU-863gdnt50)
* start with new template center (WIP, CU-861me62d8)
* update README.org text replacing Article 66 with Racital 66 (CU-861mc9hc2)
### fix
* compatibility with latest Impreza and unblocking Google Maps (CU-861mkbd3p)
* compatibility with latest RankMath version and finding Google Analytics UA and v4 with local script files enabled (CU-863gdnt50)
* compatibility with Perfmatters Minimal v4 Google Analytics embed (CU-2eggmy7)
* correctly handle async cache calculation for service cloud (CU-861me62d8)
* hook into Pretty Links plugin to only set tracking cookies when consent is given (CU-863gftjna)
* output logo URL in content-blockers route (CU-861me62d8)
* scanner does not find any Google Analytics embeds when RankMath Exclude Logged-in users option is active (CU-863gdnt50)
* theme not detected as active when using e.g. wp-content/themes/Divi (capital letter, CU-861mkuxh1)
### perf
* wp_load_alloptions called for each subsite within multisite (CU-861med012)
### refactor
* extract isPro and i18n functions to own context for reusability (CU-861me62d8)
* introduce taskfile.dev Taskfiles (CU-85zrrymj0)
* rename doNotConsiderInGroups to needsRequiredSiblingRule (CU-863gdnt50)
### fix
* compatibility with Dejure theme and unblocking Google Maps (CU-863gac0ng)
* compatibility with Point of Sale for WooCommerce (CU-863gaceu4)
### style
* fusion builder content blocker overlaps with column content (CU-861mhr4pe)
* introduce new service cloud to better manage service and blocker templates (WIP, CU-2mjzexr)
* update dependencies including TypeScript 4.9, antd and eslint (CU-85zrqk9pd)
* updated note on legal state of TCF (CU-861mgt18f)
### fix
* checklist item of legal links is not checked when legal links are placed manually (CU-2ep07vd)
* compatibility with Bandtheme and YouTube embeds (CU-85zrrv779)
* cookie banner pops up on every page when changing the cookie domain manually (CU-85zrrve3w)
* development docker build does sometimes not startup correctly (CU-85zrqk9pd)
* use correct release info when saving templates from cloud (CU-2mjzexr)
### refactor
* rename grunt-continuous-localization to continuous-localization and remove grunt dependency (pure bin, CU-85zrrytg6)