RSTickets! Pro

RSTickets! Pro 3.2.4

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27 Jun 2024

Version 3.2.4​

  • Updated - Magnific Popup updated to v1.2.0
  • Updated - CSS and JS files have been minified.
  • Fixed - Custom fields placeholders are now working in all emails except: 'Email sent when a ticket has been rejected based on current settings' and 'Email sent when a new user is created'.
  • Fixed - Some PHP 8 deprecated messages might appear when using Custom Fields.
  • Fixed - Joomla! 5.1 Dark Mode fixes.
28 Mar 2024

Version 3.2.2​

  • Added - Custom fields can be configured globally for all departments.
14 Mar 2024

Version 3.2.1​

  • Fixed - The 'Ticket - Dashboard' menu item no longer shows a 'Submit Ticket' section if the user is logged in as a Staff Member without enough permissions to submit tickets.
  • Fixed - Tickets that have been closed without a reply from the customer no longer show up as bold in the 'Ticket - Dashboard' menu item.
  • Fixed - Some field descriptions were missing when configuring the 'Tickets - List' menu item.
31 Jan 2024

Version 3.2.0​

  • Added - Joomla! 5 native compatibility - no longer needs the 'Behaviour - Backward Compatibility' plugin.
  • Updated - When editing the Signature the editor field is now 100% width.
  • Updated - Supporting Kunena 6.x avatars.
  • Fixed - JomComment integration removed.
  • Fixed - An undefined notice could show up on the Knowledgebase Results page.
  • Fixed - Accessing the 'User - Remove Data' request without a valid token could end up in a redirect loop.
  • Fixed - Deleting a Joomla! user would not remove its RSTickets! Pro data from the database.
08 Dec 2023

Version 3.1.3​

  • Fixed - An error message would show up on Joomla! 4+ when accessing the ticket rating URL.
24 Oct 2023

Version 3.1.2​

  • Updated - Dark Mode in Joomla! 5 was unreadable.
  • Updated - Some Joomla! 5 code improvements.
  • Fixed - Selecting a user from the modal was not working in Joomla! 5.
  • Fixed - No longer installing the 'Search - RSTickets! Pro Knowledgebase' plugin in Joomla! 4+
  • Fixed - A short open PHP tag could throw an error in the Knowledgebase results page.
17 Jul 2023

Version 3.1.1​

  • Fixed - "Checkbox Group" Custom Fields would not save after being unselected.
  • Added - 'Global Message Position' and 'Submit Message Position' options allowing you to place messages at the top, bottom or disable their placement.
  • Added - 'Show Submit Form Headings' option - allows to display headings separating the sections in the 'Ticket - Submit Form' menu item.
  • Added - 'Thumbs Type' for the 'Tickets - Dashboard' menu item, allowing you to upload images instead of the built-in icons.
  • Added - 'Show Search' parameter for the 'Tickets - Dashboard' menu item.
  • Added - 'Show Category Name' option when editing a category.
  • Added - Option to 'Split Knowledgebase To Tabs' for the 'Tickets - Dashboard' and 'Knowledgebase - List' menu items.
  • Added - Choose the 'Top Category' for the 'Tickets - Dashboard' and 'Knowledgebase - List' menu items.
  • Added - 'Advanced SEF' option allowing to create /category-name/article-title SEF links for the Knowledgebase.
  • Added - 'Feedback Section' allowing you to display a 'Was this article helpful?' message at the end of an article.
  • Added - Limit the number of subcategories displayed in the 'Tickets - Dashboard' and 'Knowledgebase - List' menu items.
  • Added - Option to show the category thumb next to the category title when browsing one.
  • Added - Knowledgebase articles can have 'Draft' versions that can be seen only by staff members.
  • Added - 'Thumb' option for Knowledgebase articles.
  • Added - Knowledgebase articles can be tagged and filtered in the frontend based on those tags.
  • Added - Categories can now show articles either as a list or columns (with a pre-set number of columns available).
  • Added - Option to auto-calculate the 'Hot' article threshold to 75% of the most viewed article.
  • Added - Option to skip the 'Consent' checkbox for staff members.
  • Updated - Tickets can now be deleted from the ticket toolbar (if staff has permission).
  • Updated - Breadcrumb now shows the current ticket.
  • Updated - Frontend HTML has been reworked and more classes added to aid in custom styiling.
  • Fixed - On some servers the 'Select User' modal would load an incorrect URL when SEF is turned on.