RSTickets! Pro

RSTickets! Pro 3.2.4

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13 Jan 2023
Version 3.0.19
Added - 'Reply To' and 'Reply To Name' options for the email setup.
Updated - IP address now takes into account the 'Behind Load Balancer' setting from Global Configuration.
Updated - Bumped minimum requirements to use Joomla! 3.9.0+
Updated - Some CSS declarations for the Dashboard menu item.
Fixed - Captcha rendering on PHP 8.1+ could throw some deprecated notices.
09 Jan 2023

Version 3.0.18​

  • Updated - 'Assigned To' dropdown will now only show the current ticket's departments.
  • Fixed - IPv6 addresses could not be stored in Joomla! 4 or were truncated in Joomla! 3
  • Fixed - Clearing the 'From' or 'To' calendar fields in Joomla! 3 would not reset the tickets search.
  • Fixed - Some custom fields could throw an error on PHP 8.1
02 Sep 2022

Version 3.0.17​

  • Fixed - 'Calendar' custom field date was saved incorrectly if timezone was set to -UTC.
  • Fixed - Time Spent was calculated incorrectly in the ticket listing view.
31 Aug 2022

Version 3.0.16​

  • Fixed - 'Time Spent' was incorrectly calculated in the 'Tickets' view when total time spent was less than 1 hour.
25 Aug 2022

Version 3.0.15​

  • Fixed - Calendar field was throwing an error due to Joomla! 4.2 changes.
  • Fixed - Calendar field was not taking into account the timezone configuration.
24 Aug 2022

Version 3.0.14​

  • Added - CSV options in Configuration - Tickets: Strip HTML Tags, Strip New Lines, Delimiter and Enclosure.
  • Added - You can now search tickets based on 'From' and 'To' date intervals.
  • Updated - Exporting tickets into CSV now takes into account current search options.
  • Fixed - 'Hide Department for User Groups (Customers)' could not be deselected.
  • Fixed - Some PHP notices could appear in the backend when running PHP 8.1
  • Fixed - When 'Use the Joomla! editor for writing messages' was set to 'No' emails sent were not preserving new lines.

Version 3.0.3​

  • Fixed - Search form was incorrectly showing the 'Customer' and 'Staff' inputs without clicking on the 'Advanced' button.

Version 3.0.2​

  • Added - Option - 'Use btn-group On Radios' that can disable 'btn-group' in the frontend to work around 3rd party templates that don't handle this class.
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Reactions: supermorph