Fix: Resolved an error that would occur with WooCommerce 8.5.0 when editing a subscription customer from the admin dashboard.
* Fix: Resolved an issue that caused ordering the Admin Subscriptions List Table to not work when HPOS is enabled.
* Fix: When switching all subscription items in the same cart, ensure the previous subscription is reused where possible instead of creating all new subscriptions.
* Update: Changed the edit subscription product "Expire after" (Subscription length) so it more clearly describes when a subscription will automatically stop renewing.
* Update: Log all exceptions caught by WooCommerce while processing a subscription scheduled action.
* Dev: Update subscriptions-core to 6.7.0.
* Fix: Incorrect switch calculation when upgrading a synchronised product before the first renewal is due where the initial payment was prorated.
* Fix: When updating a subscription via the REST API, don't update the start date to the current time if the start date is not set in the request.
* Fix: When using the checkout block to pay for renewal orders, ensure the order's cart hash is updated to make sure the existing order can be used.
* Fix: Prevents a PHP fatal error that occurs when the cart contains a renewal order item that no longer exists.
* Fix: When HPOS is enabled and data compatibility mode is turned on, make sure subscription date changes made to postmeta are synced to orders_meta table.
* Fix: Resolved an issue that would cause undefined $current_page, $max_num_pages, and $paginate variable errors when viewing a page with the subscriptions-shortcode.
* Dev: Update subscriptions-core to 6.6.0.
* Tweak - Use admin theme color in selectors.
* Tweak - Change plugin name to Woo Subscriptions.
* Fix: Resolved an issue with customers being redirected to an incorrect Pay for Order URL after login.
* Dev: Updated subscriptions-core to 5.7.2
Fix: Error when third-party extensions use the `woocommerce_subscriptions_add_switch_query_args` filter. #4522
* Fix: WooCommerce dependency check was erroneously failing on stores with other plugins including a woocommerce.php file. #4497
* Fix: When a customer changes their address during a subscription switch, don't save their new address in the postmeta table when HPOS is enabled. #4489
* Fix: When HPOS is enabled, changing your address while paying for a renewal order will update the address on the subscription. #4491
* Fix: Prevent admin error notices being shown for the "subscription trial end" event that was caused by no callbacks being attached to this scheduled action. #4491
* Fix: Prevent fatal error when copying the `_shipping_address` meta data where the value is not an array. #4495
* Update: Use the WC installed version to determine if Subscription dependencies are met rather than the database version.
* Dev: Update subscriptions-core to 5.5.0. #4491
Fix: Revert minimum required version of WooCommerce to 6.5 due to fatal errors on some sites.
* Fix: Fatal error when loading the Edit Subscription page with custom admin billing or shipping fields.
* Dev: Update subscriptions-core to 5.3.1.