AIomatic - Automatic AI Content Writer

AIomatic - Automatic AI Content Writer 2.0.5

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Author pansy
Creation date
1. Added support, using this service, you will be able to use a huge list of AI models
2. Added a new OmniBlock type: Jump To OmniBlock ID - allowing the execution to jump to a specific OmniBlock ID and to continue from there
3. Added the ability to disable AI Internet Access or AI Embeddings from the Chatbot Builder
4. Added the ability to display a button in the chatbot interface, so users can enable/disable internet access for each chatbot interaction separately
5. Added an option to keep AI created comments/product reviews for manual review (do not auto publish them)
6. Fixed AI model Fine-Tuning file uploading
7. AI Forms improvements: added a confirmation when deleting form fields, added the ability to duplicate fields, ability to move fields up/down, option to collapse form input fields for easier navigation
8. Allow chatbot users to activate/deactivate voice/video output for chatbot
9. Added the ability to auto-open the globally added chatbot at page load
10. Added the ability for chatbot users to stop the AI response message writing
11. Fixed AI Assistants avatar image adding
12. Fixed Bulk AI Post Creator issues from previous version
13. Added support also for the Pro version of Internal Link Juicer
14. Auto-playing of text-to-speech chatbot voice now can be stopped by users
1. Added support for the newly released Google Gemini models: gemini-1.5-flash-latest, gemini-1.5-pro-latest. Also added support for the older but more stable gemini-1.0-pro
2. Added support for the new Google embedding model: text-embedding-004
3. AI Content Editor now can add a "Table of Contents" to posts, based on headings it finds in the content
4. Added a Batch Requests result parser, to easily understand Batch results
5. Added the ability to set OmniBlocks as "Disabled" and skip their processing in the OmniBlock queue
6. Added "Run AI Content Editor" menus to WordPress post editor menu
7. Added support for AI Vision for AI Assistants
8. Added a new integration with "Internal Link Juicer" plugin, which can now be used for internal linking of articles. In this case, Aiomatic will create keywords for which will be used in the internal linking process
9. Fixed a rare issue where the Bulk AI Post Creator was not accessible in the admin menu
1. Added "AI Batch Requests" feature to the plugin - allowing you to run batch AI requests using OpenAI API, over a period of 24 hours, with 50% reduced price and much larger rate limits
2. Added a HTML IDs to divs of AI Forms, to be able to customize the look and feel of each AI form
3. Fixed Gutenberg AI Content Wizard adding content only after a click was made outside of the edited Gutenberg block
1. Added the ability to add charts and graphs to created content or to AI edited content, using the [aiomatic_charts] shortcode, check this tutorial video for details:
2. Updated Perplexity AI models list
3. Fixed image resizing related issue
4. Fixed content formatting related issue
5. Fixed ElevenLabs voice selection for the chatbot
1. Reworked the admin backend user interface, now it has a modern design
2. Merged the 'Bulk AI Post Creator', 'YouTube to Posts', 'Amazon Product Roundup', 'Amazon Product Review', 'CSV to Posts' tabs into a single menu with multiple tabs: 'Bulk AI Post Creators'
3. Added the ability to set a placeholder text for AI Forms input fields
4. Added more textual tutorials and tutorial videos
5. Added the ability to manually erase the processed keywords list for a specific OmniBlocks rule
6. Fixed embedded remote chatbots showing the entire site instead of just the chatbot
7. Added the ability for AI Assistants to set the first message for the chatbot
8. Added the ability for AI Assistants to set AI model temperature and top_p
9. Updated AI Assistants API to v2, following recent changes from the OpenAI's Assistants API - the File Search tool will now use vector stores
10. Added the ability to set maximum input/prompt token count for AI Assistants
1. Added the ability to load remote files in Load File OmniBlocks (no need to upload the file to server)
2. Added more OmniBlock templates - mostly ideas for manually running OmniBlocks
3. God Mode OmniBlock added - to call WordPress functions directly from the AI (Experimental)
4. Download chatbot logs as PDF also, not just as TXT
5. Create .doc files in the "Save To File" OmniBlocks
6. "Load File" OmniBlock - allow the loading of a random file or of the latest file which was created
7. Added the ability to automatically scrape website content by URL and create Embeddings using the scraped data
8. Added NeuronWriter integration and a new OmniBlock type: Related NLP Entities - NeuronWriter
9. Fixed Pinecone 404 error in case of some new environments
1. Added new OpenAI models: gpt-4-turbo-2024-04-09 and gpt-4-turbo
2. Added Dall-E 3 image type in AI Forms
3. OmniBlocks: the 'Load Post Content' OmniBlock now can load posts not just by Post ID, but also by query search. It can also remember the posts which it already loaded
4. Chatbot styling update: added an option to change the color of the voice input button when it is active
5. Added the ability to create multiple remote chatbot instances. Each will be able to be customized with a separate chatbot shortcode
6. Added a 'PDF Chat' switch to the chatbot builder, to enable/disable pdf chat for individual chatbots
7. More Amazon product details available when using the Amazon API to query products. News shortcodes: %%product_score%%, %%product_edition%%, %%product_language%%, %%product_pages_count%%, %%product_publication_date%%, %%product_contributors%%, %%product_manufacturer%%, %%product_binding%%, %%product_product_group%%, %%product_rating%%, %%product_ean%%, %%product_part_no%%, %%product_model%%, %%product_warranty%%, %%product_color%%, %%product_is_adult%%, %%product_dimensions%%, %%product_date%%, %%product_size%%, %%product_unit_count%%
8. Fixed an issue when using AI response streaming with long chat messages
9. Fixed an issue where the 'Edit Post Now' button was not working in Gutenberg
1. Added a new feature to the plugin: "Aiomatic Quick Setup & Tutorial" - to allow new users to better understand how to set up and use the plugin
2. Encrypt the AI prompt in the HTML content of AI forms, to secure it
3. Added support for Amazon API Aiomatic extension - now Aiomatic can use the official Amazon API to get product info from Amazon:
4. Added support to specify a 2 letter country code in Google Search OmniBlock, to get results relevant to that country
5. Fixed AI Forms streaming issue
6. Content Wizard: calling the AI commands no longer requires text selection
7. Content Wizard: added the ability to use shortcodes to get currently edited post title, content, excerpt and any other post data (including custom fields and custom taxonomies)
8. Security related update, fixed a reported security vulnerability
no change log for this version
1. Added a set of Chatbot Extensions, which will allow the chatbot to create AI images (Dall-E or Stable Diffusion), query Amazon product details, scrape websites. More Extensions will come soon!
2. Added support for gemini-1.5-pro from Google
3. Added support for response streaming for AI forms
4. Added support response streaming using OpenAI Assistants
5. Added support for God Mode chatbot when streaming using Assistants
6. Added an 'AI Content Detector' and a 'Plagiarism Checker' shortcode (and playground variants), using PlagiarismCheck API
7. Added the ability to define a list of Azure Deployment names (for each AI model you are using in the plugin), as Azure will not allow automatic listing of deployments starting from April
8. Fixed automatic internal links breaking article HTML structure in some rare cases
9. Updated translations