Divi Builder

Divi Builder 4.27.4

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thanks to dear member @anne51 updated Divi Builder with a new update entry:


- Updated Magnific Popup library to v1.2.0.
- Fixed a bug where image IDs were not replace correctly during import in some cases with the Gallery module.
- Fixed incorrect payload sent when using Divi AI Image Editor particularly w/ the Enhance endpoint.
- Fixed the issue where the image was not appearing on the AI Preview modal when using the Generate Content With AI option in the Blurb and Person Module.
- Added link option group in heading module.
- Fixed an issue where the color picker...

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thanks to dear member @chavez updated Divi Builder with a new update entry:


- Fixed broken "Use The Divi Builder" button in Block Editor header.
- Upgraded jQuery Mobile from v1.4.5 to v1.5.0 alpha and removed unused code.
* includes/builder/frontend-builder/bundle.js
* includes/builder/feature/dynamic-assets/assets/js/jquery.mobile.js
* includes/builder/feature/feature/dynamic-assets/assets/js/jquery_mobile_custom.js

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