Pinkmart - AJAX theme for WooCommerce

Pinkmart - AJAX theme for WooCommerce 4.6.1 Nulled

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thanks to dear member @theresa updated Pinkmart - AJAX theme for WooCommerce with a new update entry:


1. Added: Social login options for Facebook –
2. Added: Social login options for Google –
1. Added: Social login options for Microsoft –
3. Improved: Compatibility with WooCommerce 7.7
4. FIXED: Fatal error on websites without Elementor
5. FIXED: Minor CSS bugs

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thanks to dear member @richard updated Pinkmart - AJAX theme for WooCommerce with a new update entry:


1. Improved: WooCommerce version 7.9 compatibility
2. Improved: inimum php version raised to version 7.3 due to WooCommerce minimum php version requirement
3. Fixed: Fatal error at the beginning of installing pro tools plugin if WooCommerce is not active
4. Fixed: empty cart markup issue
5. Fixed: bottom sticky navigation doesn’t show if elementor pro plugin is active
6. Fixed: fatal error in search page in some cases
7. FIXED: Minor CSS bugs

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thanks to dear member @theresa updated Pinkmart - AJAX theme for WooCommerce with a new update entry:


1. Improved: compatibility with WordPress 6.4.1
2. Improved: compatibility with WooCommerce 8.3
3. Improved: compatibility with Elementor 3.17.3
4. FIXED: PHP warning notice while using deal count down timer on product cards
5. FIXED: Fatal error in search functionality in some cases
6. FIXED:strip html tags issue in product metabox options in editor inputs
7. FIXED: product cards not showing when enabling promobar option
8. FIXED: PHP warning notice due to compatibility with WooCommerce...

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